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QR-Codes win mostly

QR-Codes win, mostly.

L'oeil de Genève - Webcam, Genève, Genève Webcam, Plainpalais, Jet d'eau

Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2009

Bonjour Genève!

Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2009

The lovely "Love Train" video...

The lovely "Love Train" video...

Probably the most interesting thing, about domain extensions, are the activities of the supporting communities of the domain extensions.
It basically does not matter, how your domain extension looks like, for it to be successful:
What depends and matters, is how it is promoted.
Follow the history of .com, and you will understand, how and why it got strong and popular.
You can follow the history of promotion and forum-support of any domain extension, and you might be able to discover parallels of smart endeavours, time (-line) and success. (Only love, provided by a fan community, is not enough, to make a domain extension succesfull. See .mobi, for example. It is viable, respectively still alive, because of the love it gets, but to be able to be sucessful, it will need some more support, by the powerful companies, that are supposed to be backing it up. And so, same with .tel...)
Basically, it is always common sense, that saves you, a project, or anything in progress that happen to be in a awkward situation.

What counts, are costly and smart pomoting, time and common sense, that must always be used.
The non usage of common sense and brains, it the death to anything.
The non usage of money, won't help promote, because promoting costs.
The cultivation of plein stupidity may be bad, in times, may be good in other times, because people are sometimes stupid, and trained by media and advertising, not to think, but only to consume, what is offered. The language of stupidity is a language, mankind has learned over the years, and understands. Whatever way you are able to make your self understood: You can earn money, if people understand, what you are selling.

The mixture, of intelligence, stupidity, sex, common sense, etc., is what sells.
Try to sell a perfect and usefull product, only by explaining how it functions, and for it is good: Consumers are not used, only to get dry facts served. They are spoiled, and used to get a daily dosis of adverts, that contain sex, crazyness, stunning effects, etc., and where they do not have to think, but only consume.

And now, here you are with the dot tel domain, in our world today: How are you going to sell it?
The „Love Train“ was popular, because it is funny and sexy, and only explained a minimum of the technology, idea, and features about .tel.
If you will, the „Love Train“ is a promotion video for dummies, that just want a good lough, and some sexual stimulation. Well, the „Love Train“ did the trick, and worked for a short while, and only for a few.
But who are the consumers of .tel?...: All sorts of people and groups. Speak to them (and about their needs and dreams) individually. Make ten completly different videos, addressed to ten different groups of consumers...
Here is the code for implementing the (premium qualitiy version of the) video within your blog (however, it is still a stunner and a eye catcher, and nevertheless, a lot of fun):
(Just copy and paste...):


Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2009

Pensez au .tel

Avec toutes ces questions sur le social-web, ça faisait longtemps qu’on n’avait pas parlé de noms de domaines !

Une nouvelle extension est accessible pour tous depuis mars, il s’agit du dot tel (.tel). A l’origine, le .tel devait remplacer le numéro de téléphone, comme un .com remplace une IP. La téléphonie étant destinée à passer sur la VOIP pourquoi s’encombrer de numéros de téléphones avec pleins de chiffres !

Aujourd’hui, le .tel est bien plus qu’un numero de téléphone, c’est en fait une carte de visite électronique qui centralise un accès direct aux moyens de communication (électroniques ou non) déclarés.
En fait, un .tel n’abritera jamais un site, c’est juste une page normalisée qui reprend l’adresse postale, le numéro de téléphone, de fax, le mail, le login skype, un lien direct vers une carte géolocalisée… (le tout pouvant être divisé si la structure possède plusieurs sièges, agences etc.).

Comme il s’agit d’une norme, des annuaires apparaîtront prochainement avec des entrées par le nom ou par mots clefs puisque le .tel prévoit aussi de définir son activité, son profil avec un nuage de mots clefs.

Enfin, le .tel va devenir un format d‘échange puisque des kit développeurs sont fournis pour différentes plateformes (notamment mobiles) pour que le passage d’une page .tel au carnet d’adresse intégré se fasse en un clic. Cela viendra donc compléter les logiques des microformats hcard et autres vcard.

Bref, entre Facebook qui essaye officieusement de devenir LA carte d’identité électronique (avec les URLS personnalisées) et Google Mon profil qui outre atlantique permet de renvoyer les données d’un compte Google (le mail, le site internet, la photo etc.) lors d’une recherche sur un nom de famille, le .tel, en s’appuyant sur un des fondements de l’internet (les DNS) ‘devrait’ devenir le répertoire le plus neutre qui fera le lien entre numérique et réel.

Genf, der Luxus und die Nächstenliebe

Als Schweizer erlaube ich mir zu bemerken, dass Genf nicht wirklich viel mit der deutschsprachigen und italienischsprachigen Schweiz zu tun hat: Genf ist vielmehr wie ein Teil von Frankreich, wobei es aber eine bessere Lebensqualität anbietet, als die französische, oder schweizerische.
Genf profitiert quasi vom Besten, dass beide Welten anzubieten haben. Und vereint die beste französiche und schweizer Lebensqualität.
Genf ist ein Sonderstaat, etwa wie Monaco. Und zieht die Luxuswelt an.
Und gleichzeitig predigt es die Nächstenliebe. Und machmal gibt es sie wirlich, in Genf: Die Nächstenliebe. Blos, ist Alles sehr kommerzialisiert, und auch in Genf regiert die Korruption, welche sogar von der UNO ausgeht. - Oder in welcher heilen Welt leben denn Sie, wenn Sie Anderes behaupten möchten?

Montag, 21. Dezember 2009

What are .tel domain names?:


Léman Bleu diffuse sa grille des Fêtes du 21 décembre au 3 janvier 2010. Au programme notamment: les deux spectacles consacrés à Calvin qui ont fait vibrer la Cité, un nouveau numéro d’Autrefois Genève, une série de documentaires dédiés aux traditions genevoises, et la rediffusion de vos magazines et émissions préférés sans oublier le concert du Nouvel An le 1er janvier 2010. Toute l'équipe de Léman Bleu vous remercie de votre fidélité durant l'année 2009 et vous souhaite de belles Fêtes de fin d'année!

Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2009

Is there a confusion? However: The dot tel domain is the cheapest way to build up a presence in the Internet.

If you would compare what the registry of the dot tel domain has done for its domain and community within the first year, and what other registries have done in their first year since the launch of their domain extension, than you might be able to conclude and see, that this is simply outstanding and extraordinary. And no other registry and community has made so much effort before, to develope and market its domain within the first year since launch.

I guess that marketing of a mobile domain, has to be done in a similar way a for example as it was done for the iPhone.

.Tel should look upon dot mobi (.mobi), as its brother, because, as far as I know, it is the only other mobile domain that exists. If you will, it is also early days for dot mobi. Wheras dot mobi offers nothing else, than its domain extension „.mobi“ (but which might be very fine, too), the dot tel domain does not only offer its domain extension „.tel“, but also a practical and useful interface, where you not need to have a website, or any hosting, which means, also, that you save money on webspace and the cost for hosting.

We got to learn from our "brother" (.mobi), about the good and the bad, about the pros and cons.
Despite all the negaive talk and the naysayers: Dot mobi is still there, alive, has a demand for it, and gets sometimes some very nice prices at auctions.

Furthermore: Same as with .tel, there are a lot of people who don't get, what .mobi is about, and why a registry had lauched it, and why it has a lot of companies that are backening it financially.
For many things, .mobi won't be able to be of much use, but in some other situations, it is the perfect solution.

Neither .mobi, nor .tel is probably the „one size fits all solution“. But it might fit, for you, or for him, or her. Just tell them about it, and why it might fit and suit them.

Personally, it think, you either have a love affaire with a name or/and extension, or you don't:
Some names with „.com“, or with „.mobi“ just look darn good. I am not sure, about if a name looks better, if it has „.tel“ instead of a country extension, etc., but it sure will feel darn good.

So that is where .tel will have to be good at: At providing a great feeling and experience.

As we all know: „.com“ stand for „commerce“, and „.mobi“ stands for „mobile device, or mobil phone“. But „.tel“?...: Can you go to your telephone, and use „.tel“? However, „.tel“ means „telecommunications“. But if there would be a person having no clue about the meaning of „.com“ he could think as well, that „.com“ meant „telecommunications“. Why not? Or should it be more like „.comm“ for „communications“? - Commerce, as well as communications start both with "com", and "com" could therefore also stand for (tele)communications, if it had not been promoted for the cause of (e-)commerce.

Anyway: „.tel“ might confuse some people with its extension, because they might not be able to figure out, for what „.tel“ is supposed to stand for.

It might be easier for them, if they get a chance to look at a .tel page.

You could even go so far, and say: Well, if you wan't to put it right, according to common sense, than „.mobi“ should look like the dot tel domain. Because „mobi“ stands for mobile and telecommunication.

Imagine, if „.tel“ had only its extension to offer, like „.mobi“...: People would have to develope a mobile version of their website, and change their „.com“ extension for a „.tel“ extension.
This might have even worked better than with the extension „.mobi“ (if .mobi was .tel, and .tel was .mobi).
- If the extension ".mobi" hadn't been already taken by a other registry, would of possibly Telnic chosen that extension for its interface, that was designed mainly for mobile purpose? Would that of made more sense, having the mobile and electronic business card named "", instead of ""?

However, I think it is just important, that users know, for what „.mobi“ and „.tel“ stand for, and how they can be used in the most efficient way. So that it will then be up to them, to decide, if they could benefit from such a extension/domain, or not.

As we concluded: „.com“ or „.tel“ could quasi stand for anything (communications or telefon, etc.).
The strength of the „.mobi“ name might just be, that people are most likely to easily figure out, that the domain name with such a extension is for mobile devices. Maybe even soon, for smartbooks (smaller mini laptops, that are smaller than netbooks).

Why is „.tel“ not better named ".tele", or „.teleco“, or „.telecom“ (dot tele, or dot teleco, or dot telecom)? - Would there be less confusion? Is „.tel“ confusing?
„.Tel“ probably will mean nothing to the user, until he gets his hands on .tel, and realizes, how awsome this „.tel“ is.

With the registries themselfs, it is also a case fo "first com, first serve" (served by ICANN), because the extension ".com", as well as ".mobi" would of been perfect for the electronic business card that Telnic had launched a year ago. However, as soon as a extension is properly branded and marketed, it will work, no matter, if the extension makes sense, or not, for its cause and usage (see the dot com domain, after a period of twenty five years). Because ".com" could mean this, or that, or also that. Who thinks, every time he uses a ".com" that it means "commerce"? - The only thing they know, is that they can do business with that domain, and that it is not a non-profit website, like you can find under a domain name with the extension ".info", ".museum", etc.
So, what is the message?:
We got to get people to know, for what the domain name extension ".tel" stands for, and they might want to take a look at it. Otherwhise they might say: "Why bother and do "try and error", and possible waste some time? After all: Isn't it ".mobi", that is for mobile phones? Is there something else, as well?" - Tell the world...
But seriously, folks: The DotMobi registry and Telnic better make some sort of a deal..., becaus the one registry has the name, and the other one has great functions and features, and will have the looks (very soon).

It is not the first time, that two important companies have merged together, to be more successful, in hard economic times, and in a market with a lot of competition, etc. - All those mobile phone users, and the potential ones to come: We don't want to confuse them, but we want to give them something, that they can use, and that is easy to get and to use.

Merry Christmas!

Freitag, 11. Dezember 2009

Sonntag, 6. Dezember 2009

Accès gratuit à Internet pour tous (Wi-Fi)

Genève: les autorités municipales encouragent les habitants à partager leur connexion internet avec les voisins. Cinq cents boîtiers FON seront offerts aux Genevois qui possèdent déjà une connexion internet et sont prêts à la partager. Une action qui s'inscrit dans la politique municipale de démocratisation de l'accès à internet.

Afin de favoriser l’accès à Internet pour tous, la Ville de Genève a installé ces derniers mois plusieurs points d’accès gratuit à Internet (Wi-Fi) dans des lieux publics de la cité. En vue de renforcer ce principe de solidarité numérique, la municipalité souhaite développer d’autres mesures destinées aux habitants en leur proposant un partage communautaire de l’accès Internet, grâce au petit boitier développé par FON : La Fonera.;vid=8365687

Samstag, 5. September 2009

L'extension .tel, l'annuaire universel en temps réel

Créer et contrôler votre portail de communications

.tel permet de créer un portail de communications en ligne pour gérer en temps réel la manière dont les clients peuvent communiquer avec vous. Grâce à, vous pouvez indiquer tous vos moyens de communication : téléphone, mobile, fax, numéros surtaxés, VoIP et adresse de mailing list et d'e-mail. Vous pouvez aussi stocker des liens Web, des données de géo-localisation et des mots-clés décrivant votre activité.

Rejoignez le seul annuaire universel en temps réel vous assure une place dans le premier annuaire universel, pour que vous puissiez gérer toutes vos coordonnées et les actualiser en temps réel, dès que vous le souhaitez. A l'inverse des services d'annuaire existants, fortement fragmentés et très onéreux, .tel vous offre une gestion efficace et en temps réel pour un prix bien moindre.

Aiguillez efficacement vos clients vers les services et les sites appropriés vous permet d'acheminer aisément vos clients vers le service ou le site de leur choix, grâce à une structure de navigation rapide et intuitive, selon une technologie DNS innovante.

Click above, to watch sexy .tel video.

Freitag, 4. September 2009

How to find a apartment with our services at "" (available soon)

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After signing up, you will need to complete a basic profile questionnaire. Please answer all the questions that are applicable as a Tenant only. The next thing is to upload a picture to your profile page only. Only our administrators and agents can view your picture or profile information. Your profile information is not shared with any one outside Administration. When you decide to take a property, becomes your Landlord, therefore your profile information is not shared with property owners who let their properties to . If you do not upload your picture to your profile page within 30 days, we may have to delete your details from the system. It is important that we know and can identify all our users for all kinds of administrative reasons over the long term. For instance when you become one of our tenants, you can post comments directly onto the system, our administrators or agents can identify you and then respond to any questions accordingly.

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